Advertising Wellness Centers on Facebook

Tried-and-true strategies for advertising wellness centers on Facebook and gaining loyal clients who continue to visit for healing and self-care.

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Benefits of Advertising Wellness Centers on Facebook

Advertising wellness centers on Facebook is one of the best ways to keep locals in your orbit. Research shows people turn to social media when seeking health and wellness advice. Facebook groups for health, fitness, and wellness are extremely popular. With so many Facebook and Instagram users in the holistic mindset, a well-targeted ad can boost wellness center bookings. 

Facebook ads are extremely targeted, allowing you to cost-efficiently reach the demographics that are likely to be interested in your services. It is a great way to make locals aware of what your wellness center specifically has to offer. More importantly, Facebook advertising is measurable. The numbers are there! You can see the results for yourself and use them to your advantage. 

What’s more, if your Facebook ads are part of a consistent campaign, you can build a healthy and engaging community around your wellness center. People will turn to you for advice. They’ll even discuss your pieces with community members. That’s the best way to create loyal clients.  

That’s said, let’s jump into some successful strategies for advertising wellness centers on Facebook.

8 Strategies for Advertising Supplements on Facebook

#1: Use Neighborhood & City Names in Ads

Nobody likes a long commute – especially when it comes to healing and self-care. Luckily, Facebook allows you to target people precisely based on their location. So make sure you target your demographics based on specific locations. For example, if your wellness center is located in Santa Monica, make sure you target people within 5 miles of the area.

State your neighborhood in the headline. This catches the viewers’ attention, and really ups the chance of conversions.

#2: Don’t Simply Boost Posts.

Specificity is your friend when it comes to creating a Facebook ad for your wellness center. There’s a subtle but big difference between creating ads in Facebook’s Ad Manager as opposed to simply boosting posts. Facebook’s Ad Manager allows for advanced targeting capabilities and placements (i.e. Instagram stories, Facebook messenger, etc.). You can also let Facebook know your objective for the ad, which helps you target the right type of Facebook users. Plus, there are all sorts of creative ad formats, such as carousel ads, lead generation ads, etc.  Boosting a post is more useful on special content that will attract engagement. It is a cost-efficient way to see how your local community reacts to certain posts. 

#3: Advertise Wellness Events.

Creating a Facebook event helps you reach a larger audience within your community. When people mark that they are interested in attending your event, it shows in their friend’s newsfeed. This helps expand your audience. Advertising a specific Facebook Event is a great way to encourage both new people and old clients to make a visit to your center. People love a fun, wholesome reason to get out of the house – so get creative. Wellness events, if done right, can be a big hit. Open houses with free mini-sessions are a great way to give people a taste of the variety of services you have. Try to make at least some events family-friendly, with a room dedicated as a child playroom. If you can, throw in some free food and drinks. Other options are free yoga or meditation classes or lectures on popular topics such as biohacking or low-carb diet debates.  

Hosting an event will also allow you and your staff to make personal connections with locals. A good percentage of the visitors will likely seek your services in the future, or remember to refer you to their friends. 

You can boost an event via Facebook ads, targeting specific demographics within your local area. This is the type of ad most people don’t simply scroll past.

#4: Provide Special, Timely Offers

 People love special offers, especially in the costly realm of health and wellness! Use holidays, such as Valentine’s Day, as an opportunity for a “Self-Love Campaign”. Try something like “30% off all first treatments for the month of February ”. Or you could offer a two-for-one treatment deal, and have visitors invite their friends to your wellness center. The more creative the offer, the greater the chance more people will be interested in visiting your wellness center.

#5: Advertise Unique Educational Content

When you promote educational content through Facebook ads, you build trust and inspire loyalty. This is also where your passion for your work shines through. People want to know that their practitioners have their hearts and souls engaged in their work. Provide timely information, such as an article on how to avoid allergies right before allergy season begins. Or discuss a new study or a popular wellness trend. Try to make sure the content speaks to your local community. If you live in an area with high rates of depression, consider sharing a story on holistic treatments for depression. Or if you live in an area with a high elderly population, share the latest findings on wellness and aging.Make sure all your information content is highly engaging. Try to come up with infographics or explainer videos to visualize the information. When someone trusts the health information you share, they will be far more likely to seek out your treatment services.

Advertising Wellness Centers on Facebook Infographic

#6: Run Engagement Campaigns

The goal of a Facebook engagement campaign is to have your audience engage with your posts. These ads will get more likes and comments. It builds popularity for your general posts, so it’s more likely they get into your viewer’s newsfeed. And it helps build community.Engagement Campaigns also allows you to determine which audiences generate the best engagement. Through Ads Manager you can split test different audiences for the same ad (also referred to as A/B testing). When you know what audience is most interested in your wellness center, you can retarget them with promotional ads.

#7: Use Eye-Catching Images/Videos

A strong image can keep viewers from scrolling past your ad. Statistics show that posts/ads with images receive 352% more engagement than plain text. You can maximize the impact of your ad by using multiple images. This feature offers your target audience a variety of choices and allows you to address different buyer personas 

Here are eight tips to keep in mind when choosing media to go along with your Facebook ads for wellness centers:

    1. Use bright, eye-catching images – When it comes to health and wellness, there are so many ways you can use vivid, creative images. Be sure to use high-quality images that use complementary or contrasting colors. Using low quality or blurry images can misrepresent poor value, risking turning away potential clients. Always keep in mind the goal is to grasp someone’s attention. The use of 2-3 complementary colors or highly contrasting colors helps to get that done. 
    2. Relevancy is key – Create images relevant to your target audience. This is where it helps to understand the underlying emotions and triggers of your local demographics. Make sure your images speak to their hearts.
    3. Simple is better – Your image should be able to stand alone to convey your message. If you do put a heading on the text, keep it as short and simple as possible. Images with too much text get penalized. Try a limited, easy-to-read text overlay on your image. Here’s a great tool for testing whether your image meets the copy limit.
    4. Get Some Faces in There  – Images of faces receive more engagement. Try using images of people enjoying a service at your wellness center to help develop an emotional connection. This is where it helps to know your demographics. People like to see images of people that look similar to themselves. So make sure the images don’t look like obvious stock photos and have an authentic feel instead.
    5. Add Motion for Multiple Pictures – Facebook Ad Manager’s Create to Convert feature an easy framework production approach that adds lightweight motion to still images. This creates more compelling and effective direct-response ads. They have the attention-grabbing allure of a video, but they load far quicker.
    6. Tell A Story with Video Clips- You could use Facebook ads as an opportunity to give locals a glimpse inside your wellness center. Or introduce staff members, a unique service, or promote a video testimonial. Stock footage can also work if it tells a story and connects with your audience. Here are three tips that will help with creating a video to advertise your wellness center on Facebook.
    7. Shorter is better – In today’s world, everything is more instant, thus creating shorter attention spans. The quicker you get to the point the more quickly you can capture your audience’s attention to stay engaged.
    8. Enable autoplay – This feature plays your video automatically when people scroll through their news feed. Autoplay is enabled with cost-per-impression bidding.
    9. Shine without sound – People are often browsing through Facebook while commuting or out in public, which means they will listen to your video on silent. If your video doesn’t make sense without sound, add captions! 

Facebook Ads for Wellness Centers: Put Your Best Foot Forward

Your local wellness aficionados are out there on Facebook and Instagram. If your ads don’t catch their eye, there’s a good chance your competitors’ will. Don’t simply boost posts and cross your fingers. Make sure you come up with a full Facebook ad strategy. And learn to leverage the powerful capabilities of Facebook Ads manager. If you don’t have the time for it, hire Facebook marketers that understand wellness

Wellness centers around the world have had great success advertising on Facebook. We hope these strategies help you get your wellness center fully booked! 

Marketing Advice

For Local Wellness