The Importance of On-Site SEO For Non-Techies

If your not a computer nerd then you may gloss over the technical aspects of website optimization. But they are essential to getting found on Google and improving the visitors experience.

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On-site SEO, also known as on-page SEO, refers to the practice of optimizing individual web pages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. On-site SEO includes both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized. In this post, we’ll discuss some key aspects of on-site SEO that can help improve your website’s search engine rankings.

Site Speed Optimization Site speed is an important factor in search engine rankings. A fast-loading website provides a better user experience and can lead to higher engagement and conversions. To optimize your site speed, you can compress images, minify code, and use a content delivery network (CDN) to deliver content faster.

Mobile Optimization With the rise of mobile devices, it’s crucial to ensure that your website is optimized for mobile users. This means having a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes and making sure that your site is easy to navigate on a smaller screen. Mobile optimization can also include using mobile-friendly technologies like HTML5 instead of Flash.

Adding Header Tags, Title Text, and Meta Description Header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) are used to structure the content on your page and make it easier for both users and search engines to understand what your page is about. The title text is what appears in the search engine results and should accurately reflect the content of your page. The meta description is a brief summary of your page that appears below the title in search results. Including relevant keywords in these elements can help improve your search engine rankings.

Broken Link Fixing Broken links can negatively impact your search engine rankings by making it harder for search engines to crawl your site. It’s important to regularly check for broken links on your site and fix them as soon as possible.

Schema Markup Schema markup is a type of structured data that helps search engines better understand the content on your page. By adding schema markup to your site, you can provide additional information to search engines about your content, which can help improve your search engine rankings.

In conclusion, on-site SEO is an important aspect of improving your website’s search engine rankings. By focusing on site speed optimization, mobile optimization, adding header tags, title text, and meta description, fixing broken links, and using schema markup, you can improve your on-site SEO and attract more relevant traffic to your site.

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