Get Featured in the Media & Spread Your Wisdom  Love Expertise  Passion

There are many opportunities for you to showcase your expertise and establish your professional reputation in the health and wellness industry. Whether it’s on podcasts, magazines, social media, or mass media,  we can help get your message out in the world. At Crunchy Buzz we make it easy for you by finding the best media matches for you and we handle all the behind-the-scenes work, from outreach to technical support and so much more.

Media Coverage for Wellness Brands

Crunchy Buzz is dedicated to helping wellness professionals inspire the world by featuring their messages across the web. We’ve built a network of media contacts that are focused on health and wellness, which we leverage for our clients. We also keep a steady pulse on relevant journalists, podcasters and influencers to find out what subjects they’re covering and pitch our clients whenever possible. Our clients have been featured in leading newspapers, journals, TV, social media, YouTube channels, and popular blogs. 

Crunchy Buzz Clients Get Published


Media Kit Development 

Media Outreach

Liason & Support

PR Plan for Success

Strategy & Media Kit

We help you determine what media forms you are the best fit for and determine what opportunities you’d like us to find. We help determine topics you’re best fit to speak on and find unique angles we can pitch you. Then we put your assets together in a flattering media kit that’s easily shareable online.

Media Outreach

We search for media opportunities specific to your wellness niche, and create a database of contacts we reach out to on your behalf. We also pull from our existing network, determining which contacts we already have built relationships with may be interested in your message. 

Choosing Your Media Features

We let you know what media outlets are interested in featuring you on, and you decide which ones you go for. We help you determine if the topic is relevant to you and how to best approach it. You only pay for the opportunities you are interested in. 


There can be a lot of technical details to iron out before booking a podcast interview or getting your quotes published by a journalist. We’re there facilitating all the emails and outreach so that you can focus on what you do best – sharing your unique message.  

Getting You Published

Once your piece, podcast, or feature is ready for publication or distribution, we make sure that your bio and headshots are appropriately featured. We also do our best to make sure links to your website or other media channels are highlighted. If you have a special program, service, or product you’re trying to promote, we may want to include an affiliate link or unique URL link. This all helps you get more organic traffic from people who liked what you shared – and it also helps with SEO!


We’re always looking for opportunities for our clients, which is why charge a $500 monthly retainer fee. We do guarantee that every month you will receive new media opportunities, in exchange for that fee. However, some clients can either find themselves to busy to take up opportunities we find over be super-selective, which is fine! You get to pick which opportunities you want to pursue, and you don’t have to pay for any you can’t commit to. The $200 fee is for every connection that successfully goes through, and it’s charged upon publication. This allows you to take things either slow and fast and have flexibility with your media focus every month. 

Nope! This is a month-to-month service. We want our clients to be happy and excited about working with us. If for any reason you want to opt out, you may cancel the following month’s service. 

Sure! We’re always available to discuss. During our work together, you may realize certain types of media opportunities aren’t for you, and we need to know! Also, you may have a new subject you’d like to discuss, and we’d love to learn all about it so we can share that new aspect of your message. We’ll have to be in constant correspondence with you, either way, when it comes to media outreach. So we hope we can utilize emails, text messages, and phone calls when necessary. 

There are all sorts of analytical tools we can use to track how many people visit your website based on a media opportunity. Also, when relevant, we can create/utilize affiliate links,  or unique URLs to track who’s  coming to your website and either purchasing or signing up for your offers. 

First of all, Google and other search engines consider a site is more trustworthy when it’s widely linked to by other sites on the web. We’ll do our best to make sure each media opportunity provides you with these valuable links. Also, Google and other search engines tracks how many visitors come to your site – if you get more organic traffic through these opportunities, then you’ll start to rank higher. 

We work with all website platforms including: WordPress, WIX, Squarespace, Kajabi, and more. 

We believe that the best business relationships are build over time with trust and we do not want our clients to feel locked into a partnership they don’t want. Given that a lot of the work we do is front-loaded, ie. in preparation for the next month cycle, we do require 30 days notice to complete any pending work.